Título: Transmedia Literacy: Analyzing the Impact of The X-Files Transmedia Strategies
Autoras: Daiana Sigiliano e Gabriela Borges
Resumo curto:
Based on the theoretical framework that transmedia literacy encourages public participation and critical understanding of fictional universes, for example, when navigating different platforms, correlating to the transmedia
strategies with the main media, the interacting agent performs an attentive or polysemic reading of the fictional universe; this paper aims to analyze a number of Twitter posts made by interacting audience members of The X-Files during the launch of transmedia actions regarding the show’s 10th season. In this context, the tweets will help us to reflect on the concept of transmedia literacy and how it stimulates the public’s multilateralism. The conclusion is that transmedia action encourages learning through collaboration and critical understanding.
Disponível em: bit.ly/2TIRAwQ