Título: WandaVision and the cognitive processes of Brazilian fans on Twitter.
Autores: Daiana Sigiliano, Gabriela Borges.
Resumo curto:
Studies conducted since the late 1990s in the scope of televised serialized fiction highlight the process of plot complexification. Johnson (2005) argues that popular culture, particularly film, television and video-games greater cognitive effort from the audience, in unprecedented fashion. This process should stimulate the development of abilities such as, for example, pattern recognition, scanning and telescoping capacities, mapping etc. Johnson’s (2005) theoretical approach presents direct dialogue with Feuerstein et al.’s (2010) concept of structural cognitive modifiability (SCM). According to the authors, cognitive processes involving SCM, i.e., what can be altered throughout one’s life, comprises various abilities, among them attention, organization, and information sequencing. Working from this context, the current research intends to analyze the cognitive processes operating on comments published on Twitter on the day WandaVision’s (Disney+, 2021–) two episodes (“Filmed Before a Live Studio Audience” and “Don’t Touch That Dial”) was released. To discuss this issue, we used Feuerstein et al.’s (2010) studies about SCM as a lens to analyze content shared by eight Brazilian fan accounts dedicated to the WandaVision universe (@NacaoMarvell, @MarvelPlusBR, @BRMarvelNews, @wandamcuBR, @feiticeiraescbr, @NewsWandaVision, @TheVisionBR, @MarvelsSeries).
Disponível em: https://bit.ly/3LUPwgS